Sunday, February 11, 2007


In English class, a few days ago we started using moodle, which is an online sight, which allows our class to talk with each other over the web using wikis, and discussion boards, as well as turn in our work over the web. After we worked with it we got into small groups and discussed how we liked and didn't like when using moodle, what we could use it for, and what we wish we could do.

My group really liked how we could talk and discuss with our classmates, about what we were doing in English, when we weren't in class, and how moodle was a secure place that our class could share our thoughts, and collaborate on work together. Also we liked how we could save paper, by turning in our work on moodle. However, while using moodle we discovered a lot of technical difficulties with the site. A few of these technical difficulties were how one person at a time could post on the wiki's, or you'll lose all your work, and when turning in your work, you could only post one document. We also discussed how the site's style was very plain looking, making you not that interested in it. So when we thought of what we wished we could do on moodle, we wanted to rectify the technical difficulties on it, make the site look more interesting, and more personalized for us and our class. And some ways my group thought we could use moodle were posting discussion topics about what we were doing in English, or edit each other's paper, to help one another on their work. Also we thought of using the wiki's to collaborate together to make stories, poems, etc, turning in our work, and finding out what we did in class that day if we miss the day of school.

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