Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Sustainability Fair

Last Friday, my school held a sustainability fair between 12:30 and 4:30, where we learned about the effects that we have on our environment, such as global warming and growing landfills, as well as teaching us ways to become more environmentally friendly. Also, we learned about how our state and school is aiding in this effort in going "green".

My school has an extremely large campus, and student body of more than 4,000 students K-12 grade, and with that, we use up a large amount of resources, such as energy, for all the lights and AC in all the several classrooms and buildings, paper's, and plastics, to only name a few. And because of this, my school, has decided to pledge to stop using so much of these valuable resources, by setting up several goals dealing with energy, garbage, water, traffic and food, to be accomplished by 2016, sparking the idea of the sustainability fair.

Another thing I learned about my school on Friday, was how the new middle school, that was first opened las year, was entirely made up of recycled goods, and produces it's own energy to fuel the school.

Something else that my school is playing an active role in helping our environment, was getting a 5th grade class involved in recycling bottles, and can's to raise money to adopt a tiger at the zoo, taking care of it's food, shelter and any other necessities it might need.

Then at another table, I learned about how recycled water, which has been fillitered and disinfected to achieve bacterial concentrations consistent with DOH Guidelines for R-1 Water, in Hawaii, is being used for industries and irrigation. Though this water is not healthy enough for human consumption, because of all the bacterias and viruses in the water, it is completely healthy for the environment, since it is a much cheaper, and environmentally healthy way of reducing the amount of water being used.

Lastly, I learned about a House Bill that is being debated over in my state's legislature, which would reduce Hawaii's contribution to global climate change, by limiting the amount of greenhouse gas emissions from Hawaii into the atmospher, which is also the cause of global warming. And all we would need to do as an resident in Hawaii, is call one of the people in government who are supporting this bill, and voice our support for this bill with them.

All in all, through Friday's sustainability fair, I was able to learn a lot about the environment, and how greatly than ever before do we impact the way it works, as well as the things that people in my school, and state are doing to help stop the destructions that we are causing on the place we call home, earth.

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