Thursday, February 22, 2007


Usually when some one hears the word hero, they think of names like Superman, Batman, or Spiderman, but personally, I think those heroes are completely overrated, and plain out stupid. Sure I enjoy watching Smallville whenever I get to, and have seen most of the movies about superheroes like Spiderman, Batman, Superman, and others like them, even liking some, but these heroes are fictional, with nothing truly awe inspiring about them. They may have done all these great things saving countless amounts of lives, with all these amazing special abilities, like flying, having x-ray vision, and so on, in these stories we see and hear about, but and have never really done anything to help our lives. However, one person, in particular, has all of the amazing powers of all those superheroes, and then some, who died for our sins, even before we were born, when he committed none. And that truly awe-inspiring person is God.

(I know that probably most people stopped reading after my last sentence, thinking something along the lines of, "Great, this is going to be one of those stories, about how great God is, I don't want to read that, and all those Christians are mad to believe in such things." So for those who are still reading, it may be exactly what you expect, and it may not, but you won't know that unless you just give me a chance.)

There are so many qualities of God that I admire, in him, like his forgiveness, his love, his self-control, his mercy, his grace, his patience, his kindness, his many powers and so much more I cannot even list. Nevertheless I think the qualities that I admire most in God, is his patience, forgiveness, and self-control, since I really have a hard time with both. I could only wish to be able to forgive people as easily as He does, taking less than a second to decide, giving up everything, and only dream of actually having any patience. I know I am a very impatient person, since so many people have told me that, but I only really understood what they really meant, when I look at how I refuse to wait in lines with more than 3 people, and would rather not get something I really need, if I have to wait too long. Or how I am so angry with my father when he picks me up from school if I had to wait for him for any more than a minute without anyone else, even if it was because of something for me, like getting me a snack or something like that. Then, especially, when I am shopping, I have absolutely no self-control. I am amazed at how many things that are in my closet, or room, that I don't even use, but cost me quite a lot of money, which I now regret buying, because I see how impractical they were, but at the time were blinded by how nice it looked on me in the store. So if I could chose, what I would really want, is to be like Him in every aspect of my life.


Jenn said...

Yes, I think God as a hero just swipes the icing off of everyone else's hero cakes. In my opinion, but then again, I believe in God so it might be that I am really biased. I love your post. It made me realize about God's just plain awesomeness. I tend to forget when I shouldn't. :)

Caitlin said...

God is a hero, in everyway. I believe this because I am a Christian. But I also do think that some fictional characters have qualities that are admireable. That isn't to say that they are equal or the same as God, because no way, ever, never, would that be true. I don't know, these are just my thoughts,...I see things from both views: God is a hero, and fictional characters are heroes too, just in totally separate and different ways.